
Managed Health Solutions, The Assisted Living Facility Pharmacy Shares Tips For Keeping Your Residents Safe This Hot Season

Summer brings sunshine and warmth, but for senior adults, it also brings potential health risks. For assisted living communities keeping residents healthy during this hot summer season is essential to their best health. Managed Health Solutions, your assisted living facility pharmacy, wants to share some tips for you staff and your senior residents to assure they stay comfortable, healthy, and happy no matter what the temperature.

The combination of high temperatures and medications can have adverse effects. Here are seven ways summer heat can affect medication and health for senior adults.

assisted-living-facility-pharmacy-medication1. Heat and Medication Potency
High temperatures can alter the effectiveness of medications. Many medications, such as insulin and nitroglycerin, must be stored at specific temperatures. Heat exposure can cause them to lose potency or even become harmful. Seniors should store their medications in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat.


2. Exacerbation of Chronic Conditions
Chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory issues can worsen in extreme heat. Medications for these conditions may also interact negatively with heat, exacerbating symptoms. Seniors should avoid outdoor activities during peak heat hours and stay in air-conditioned environments as much as possible.


assisted-living-facility-pharmacy-water3. Increased Risk of Dehydration
Older adults are more prone to dehydration, especially those on diuretics or other medications that increase fluid loss. Dehydration can lead to serious health issues, such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and heat stroke. Seniors should drink plenty of water throughout the day, even if they don’t feel thirsty.


4. Heat Sensitivity from Medications
Some medications increase sensitivity to heat and sunlight, leading to heat rashes, sunburn, and other skin issues. Antidepressants, antihistamines, and certain blood pressure medications can make seniors more susceptible to heat. Wearing light, breathable clothing and using sunscreen can help mitigate these effects.


assisted-living-facility-pharmacy-heat5. Impaired Thermoregulation
Aging affects the body’s ability to regulate temperature. Medications, such as beta-blockers and antipsychotics, can further impair this function. Seniors may not sweat as effectively, increasing the risk of overheating. It’s crucial to monitor your body temperature and ensure you stay cool.


6. Medication Side Effects and Heat Stroke
Certain medications, like anticholinergics, can increase the risk of heat stroke by reducing sweating and affecting body temperature control. Symptoms of heat stroke include confusion, rapid pulse, and fainting. If these symptoms occur, immediate medical attention is necessary.


assisted-living-facility-pharmacy-nutrition7. Interactions with Nutritional Needs
Hot weather can suppress appetite, leading to reduced food intake and potential nutritional deficiencies. Seniors should maintain a balanced diet, incorporating hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables. Proper nutrition supports medication efficacy and overall health.



Summer Heat And Medication Management Requires An Assisted Living Facility Pharmacy You Can Trust, Managed Health Solutions

Summer heat poses unique challenges for senior adults, particularly those on medication. Awareness and proactive measures can help mitigate these risks. Ensuring proper medication storage, staying hydrated, and avoiding peak heat times are essential for maintaining health during the hotter months.

Seniors should consult their healthcare providers for personalized advice on managing medications and health in the summer heat. As always Managed Health Solutions, the chosen assisted living facility pharmacy for Georgia, is your partner in proper medication management, no matter what time of year. Feel free to ask a question anytime!

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